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Upload Electronic Account Books

In accordance with Ministry of Finance Implementation Directions for Profit-seeking Enterprises to Produce Electronic Account Books, profit-seeking enterprises can use the internet or multimedia to electronically submit all account books to the tax authority for audits of income declaration of profit seeking enterprise, except in the following cases: (1) audited by a certified public accountant; (2) declaration by an organization or institution for educational, cultural, public welfare or charitable purposes, and the subsidiaries thereof; (3) current final report; and (4) liquidation income report. This  convenient service will help business taxpayers to save time.

Profit-seeking enterprises can download the E-Account Book Uploading Software at the e-Filing and Tax Payment Service of the Ministry of Finance (R.O.C) (https://tax.nat.gov.tw). This software allows business taxpayers to upload the electronic files of account books onto the platform or transfer the files using multimedia, instead of providing paper account books. Furthermore, to encourage profit-seeking enterprises to produce general ledger and other account book data that are sufficient to express their business operating conditions using the internet or multimedia during the regulated period set by the taxation authority or the extension period approved thereby when the tax authority conduct the investigation, incentives are provided as stipulated in the “Ministry of Finance Directions for the Implementation of Rewards for Producing Electronic Account Books”:

  1. No certificate is needed for verification, except those with abnormal reports as verified by the authority.
  2. If a profit-seeking enterprise has no shortage of taxable income or minor offense for shortage of income tax current year, and pays the shortage tax and penalty fully, its following two years' tax returns that are not to be reported by an informant and have no shortage of taxable income can be reviewed on paper.
  3. A professional advisor will be designated to provide the enterprise with assistance in or guidance for solving taxation problems.
Last updated:2023-09-11