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Press Releases (News)

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No. Title Publish time
1 Provide the Correct Email Address When Purchasing Electronic Services from Offshore Suppliers to Avoid Missing Prize Notifications 2024-12-23
2 Profit-seeking enterprises that have accrued expenses exceeding the statute of limitations for claims and remain unpaid shall reclassify these amounts as other income. 2024-11-27
3 Overdue tax cases transferred for enforcement may apply for installment payments at the local administrative enforcement agency 2024-11-18
4 Consolidate various carriers to store cloud-based invoices under one's mobile barcode and set up a bank account for fast and convenient prize redemption 2024-10-28
5 The gift tax exemption applies to foreigners who gift domestic assets 2024-10-11
6 Taxpayer ombudsmen collaborate across departments to jointly assist taxpayers in resolving tax disputes 2024-09-25
7 Note for Profit-seeking enterprises Claiming Foreign Income Tax Credit 2024-09-18
8 Individuals who have changed self-use property and been granted a repurchase deduction or tax refund from house and land transaction income tax should return the deducted or refunded tax amount if the said property has been used for other purposes or transferred again within five years, as stipulated by law. 2024-08-23
9 Estate may be transferred in part before paying off estate tax by offering collateral 2024-08-15
10 Location for Foreigners Residing in Taiwan to Declare Gifts of Real Estate Located within the ROC. 2024-08-12
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