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Text Message Service

To whom it may concern:

Since October 6, 2014, we will provide text message service. Aim to saving your time, you are welcome to use this service to submit application.

Application procedure is below:

  1. Please scan the QR Code and sent text message without any single word, or enter "I wanna do it as quickly as possible" and text to 0963954448. We will assign the designated person to connect you for your application.
    (Note: If you hide your number for outgoing call, please enter your cell phone number in the text message)
  2. Service is available from 8:30~17:30, Monday to Friday. Please come to Express Window for Text Message Service at the appointed time.
  3. This service is for application of Income List and Tax Certificate in person only and for the day of application only.

Text Message Service QR code
