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Income Tax

Table of Current Tax Declaration, Declaration Time and Tax-Collecting Authorities

Activity Declaration Duration Relevant Authorities
1.Annual Income Tax Returns May 1 to May 31 of every year Income Tax to be declared to the relevant tax administrations or branches in each city/county.
2.Provisional Income Tax Returns Sep. 1 to Sep. 30 of every year Provisional Income Tax to be declared to the relevant tax administrations or branches in each city/county.
3.Declaration of Withholding and Non-withholding Tax Statement and Dividend Statement Jan. 1 to Jan. 31 of every year Tax branches or revenue service offices.
4.Certificate for Tax-Deductions on Savings 1st time application or renew Tax Administration, tax branches or revenue service offices.
5.Report Losses from Disaster To be submitted within 30 days after the survey Tax Administration, tax branches or revenue service offices.