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1 文章置頂 Profit-seeking Enterprises Failing to Produce Relevant Documents that Prove the Amount of Their Income Will Be Subject to Assessment Based on the Profit Standard of the Same Trade Concerned. 113-04-23
2 Profit-seeking Enterprises Applying for Investment Tax Credit Should Pay Attention to Application Deadline for the Recognition of R&D Activities and Project Expenses to Competent Authorities. 113-03-26
3 The Zhongzheng Branch of The National Taxation Bureau of Taipei, Ministry of Finance, Has Moved!! 113-03-22
4 Business Entities Engaging in Overseas Study Agency Services and Receiving Commissions from Foreign Schools Shall Issue Taxable Uniform Invoices for Filing and Paying Business Tax According to Legal Regulations. 113-03-11
5 Commissions earned from the trading of real estate brokerage should be declared for the filing of the consolidated income tax. 113-02-29
6 Requirements for applying for the tax deductions or refunds related to the repurchase of self-use house and land 113-01-26
7 Domestic individuals buying electronic services from offshore electronic service suppliers should obtain cloud invoices with VAT-inclusive prices for swift and convenient prize redemption. 112-12-18
8 Profit-Seeking Enterprises Should Pay Attention to the Maximum Limitation When Claiming Interest Expenses to Related Parties. 112-11-24
9 Profit-Seeking Enterprises Receiving 2023 Tax Bills for Assessed Provisional Profit-Seeking Enterprise Income Tax Payable Should Make Payment between November 16 to 30, 2023. 112-11-13
10 The tax reduction for the purchasing of energy-efficient appliances has been extended by an additional two years, now valid until June 14, 2025. Applying online provides both safety and convenience. 112-10-26
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